...Who the hell are you?
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A SelectSmart.com Weird Selector by Ren, created October 2005.
Not in your terms, no. In MINE. Yeah. Uh-huh. We’re gonna see which one of my creations you’re most like by using a highly-inaccurate test with too few results and check if you’re a teenage psycho-Christian with an affinity for sharp objects, the human embodiment of love and grace in the form of an oh-so-adorable six-year-old, a ridiculously-skilled and traveled loner mercenary who just refuses to friggin’ die, and MORE. Subjugate yourself to my egotism! REVEL in the archetypes that I’ve so painstakingly created! TAKE THIS GODDAMN TEST OR I’LL HUNT YOU DOWN LIKE THE ANIMAL YOU ARE! ...Er... Hum.