#1 | 18.8%
| You are Sephiroth.You're just Powerful and Evil. | |
#2 | 12.9%
| You are Ryo(Street Fighter) you are soooo strong. | |
#3 | 11.0%
| You are Bass, you are a Rival to Mega-Man | |
#4 | 9.4%
| You are Black Mage,noone knows what your face looks like. | |
#5 | 7.0%
| You are Spider Man.(YES capcom made a Marvel game) | |
#6 | 6.9%
| You are Mario the Mighty PLumber of toilets. | |
#7 | 6.3%
| You are Kirby,awww so cute. | |
#8 | 4.4%
| You are Megaman, you have to many different games about you.(Well,So does Mario) | |
#9 | 3.6%
| You are Bowser, you are the most boring villan in a Video Game. You do the same thing in eachgame. | |
#10 | 2.3%
| You are Sion.(The Bouncer)You were Made by Square but you're in one of their games that aren't RPG. | |
#11 | 2.2%
| You are Bowser.(You can't just leave the plumber outta this can you ) | |
#12 | 2.0%
| You are Fox Mcloud.You were in the one of the first fx chips games. | |
#13 | 1.9%
| You are sonic, you beat up poor old helpless fat guys in robots. | |
#14 | 1.9%
| You are Donkey Kong and in DKC 64 you have a cool theme song. | |
#15 | 1.7%
| You are Dr. Robotnik/Eggman. You send robots to do all your dirty work. | |
#16 | 1.2%
| You're Mewtwo a Pokemon everyone makes fun of although deep down they know they can't resist pokemon. | |
#17 | 1.1%
| You are Titus, You resemble Future Trunks of DBZ to much. | |
#18 | 1.1%
| You are Geno.(SMRPG)You possesd a doll.(kinda like Chuckie) | |
#19 | 1.0%
| You are Wario, all you think of is money ad your own personal well being. | |
#20 | 0.9%
| You are Mighty the Armadilo, you have no fans.(HAHAHA) | |
#21 | 0.8%
| You are JIll Valentine, you'll shoot my head off without hesitation. | |
#22 | 0.7%
| You are a Server Bot, you look like a lego person. | |
#23 | 0.4%
| You are Conker, your an evil little Squirell. | |
#24 | 0.2%
| You are Invader Zim.(oops how'd that get in there?) | |
#25 | 0.2%
| You are a Koopa Troopa you've did more than Kenny. | |