Survey Says: Top What Video game character are you? results, Video Games Survey
Video Games
The top 25 What Video game character are you? results of 8558 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for What Video game character are you?.      

#1 18.8%
You are Sephiroth.You're just Powerful and Evil.
#2 12.9%
You are Ryo(Street Fighter) you are soooo strong.
#3 11.0%
You are Bass, you are a Rival to Mega-Man
#4 9.4%
You are Black Mage,noone knows what your face looks like.
#5 7.0%
You are Spider Man.(YES capcom made a Marvel game)
#6 6.9%
You are Mario the Mighty PLumber of toilets.
#7 6.3%
You are Kirby,awww so cute.
#8 4.4%
You are Megaman, you have to many different games about you.(Well,So does Mario)
#9 3.6%
You are Bowser, you are the most boring villan in a Video Game. You do the same thing in eachgame.
#10 2.3%
You are Sion.(The Bouncer)You were Made by Square but you're in one of their games that aren't RPG.
#11 2.2%
You are Bowser.(You can't just leave the plumber outta this can you )
#12 2.0%
You are Fox Mcloud.You were in the one of the first fx chips games.
#13 1.9%
You are sonic, you beat up poor old helpless fat guys in robots.
#14 1.9%
You are Donkey Kong and in DKC 64 you have a cool theme song.
#15 1.7%
You are Dr. Robotnik/Eggman. You send robots to do all your dirty work.
#16 1.2%
You're Mewtwo a Pokemon everyone makes fun of although deep down they know they can't resist pokemon.
#17 1.1%
You are Titus, You resemble Future Trunks of DBZ to much.
#18 1.1%
You are Geno.(SMRPG)You possesd a doll.(kinda like Chuckie)
#19 1.0%
You are Wario, all you think of is money ad your own personal well being.
#20 0.9%
You are Mighty the Armadilo, you have no fans.(HAHAHA)
#21 0.8%
You are JIll Valentine, you'll shoot my head off without hesitation.
#22 0.7%
You are a Server Bot, you look like a lego person.
#23 0.4%
You are Conker, your an evil little Squirell.
#24 0.2%
You are Invader Zim.(oops how'd that get in there?)
#25 0.2%
You are a Koopa Troopa you've did more than Kenny.

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