Survey Says: Top Perfect Blue personality detector results, Anime Survey
The top 9 Perfect Blue personality detector results of 2120 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Perfect Blue personality detector.      

#1 41.1%
Shibuya (screen writer)
#2 20.8%
Tadokoro (manager)
#3 8.1%
"The Photographer"
#4 7.2%
Yamashiro and the psychologist of "Double Bind"
#5 6.1%
Evil Mima
#6 5.8%
Mima Kirigoe
#7 5.7%
Rumi (personal agent & friend)
#8 4.8%
Mimania (...)
#9 0.5%
Yuriko and Rei (CHAM members)

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