#1 | 27.2%
| Tentai - Retreating Star - Pahn, Cecile - Physical-Oriented comapnion of the Hero. Usually a Martial Artist | |
#2 | 8.6%
| Tenman - Star of Abundance - Cleo, Juan - Magic-Oriented companion of the Hero | |
#3 | 8.4%
| Tenko - Lone Star - Viktor, Sgt. Joe - A strong, loud popular character who speaks his mind | |
#4 | 8.3%
| Tenkou - Clever Star - Eileen, Chaco, Dios - Lackey to the Tengou Star, a very loyal friend | |
#5 | 5.7%
| Chikai - Chief Star of Earth - Leon, Klaus, Albert - Strategist from the opposition, very cunning | |
#6 | 4.9%
| Chiaku - Ronnie, Oulan, Emily - Martial Artist women, very tomboyish and Strong | |
#7 | 4.7%
| Tengou - Star of Conflagration - Lepant, Ridley, Sarasai - Person of authority, a natural leader | |
#8 | 4.2%
| Chibin - Quick Star - Viki - Popular attractive magician woman | |
#9 | 3.9%
| Tenkai - Chief Star of Heaven - Hero1, Hero2, Thomas - Young hero of the series. | |
#10 | 3.2%
| Chimou - Ferocious Star - Alen, Miklotov, Borus - Physical knight paired with Chiki. A Hothead | |
#11 | 2.9%
| Chiki - Strange Star - Grenseal, Camus, Percival - Magical Knight paired with Chimou. A flirt | |
#12 | 2.8%
| Chizen - Crowley, Mazus, Sarah - Pure magician, has a little bit of evil | |
#13 | 2.2%
| Tensatsu - Murderous Star - Fu Su Lu, Hanna, Hallec - Very Strong fighter, very loud | |
#14 | 2.1%
| Tenku - Empty Star - Kreutz, Jess, Fubar - A fast fighting character, a vanguard | |
#15 | 2.0%
| Chiin - Hidden Star - Mina, Karen, Roland - Usually a dancer | |
#16 | 1.8%
| Chiyu - Heroic Star - Eikei, Wakaba, Shabon - Martial Artist star | |
#17 | 1.5%
| Tenrou - Gaol (Jail) Star - Hix, Franz - Man in the Tenrou/Tensui relationship. Usually shy | |
#18 | 1.4%
| Tenkan - Star of Idleness - Luc - A Pure Magician person | |
#19 | 1.2%
| Tenki - Star of Intelligence - Mathiu, Shu, Caesar - Strategist, a very smart person | |
#20 | 1.1%
| Chikyu - Star of Intelligence - Kasumi, Lilly - woman fighter, quite fast | |
#21 | 0.9%
| Tensui - Intelligent Star - Tengaar, Iku - Woman in Tenrou/Tensui relationship. Magic person | |
#22 | 0.6%
| Tensoku - Speedy Star - Stallion, Nash - very fast character, usually acts as a scout | |
#23 | 0.5%
| Tenkyu - Lewd Star - Milich, Anita, Estella - Strong magician an eccentric | |
#24 | 0.1%
| Tenyu - Star of Bravery - Humphrey, Dupa - A slow but very strong fighter, a powerhouse | |
#25 | 0.0%
| Chiketsu - Star of Noble Wisdom - Jeane - Popular attractive magician woman | |