Survey Says: Top Mew Xacata New Age Selector results, Religion Survey
The top 7 Mew Xacata New Age Selector results of 4486 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Mew Xacata New Age Selector.      

#1 32.3%
New Age Spirituality (miscellaneous)
#2 21.4%
Fantasia New Age (Merlin/Fantasy)
#3 17.3%
Metaphysical New Age (metaphysics)
#4 15.7%
Zukav New Age (Gary Zukav)
#5 8.4%
Sethian New Age (Seth/Jane Roberts)
#6 3.2%
Gaian New Age (natural religion)
#7 1.6%
Zodian New Age (occult-based)

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