Survey Says: Top RKO Survey X results, Entertainment Survey
The top 12 RKO Survey X results of 26 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for RKO Survey X.      

#1 76.9%
Rich- The People's Frank. This man is clearly insane. Like Rich you like to pick on people, for both your amusement but at a lot of times the victims amusement too, so it's all good. You enjoy pasta, pajamas, and under-the-sea wrestlilng gimmicks. Finisher: The Rock Bottom/Spinarooni Combo
#2 19.2%
#3 3.8%
#4 0.0%
#5 0.0%
#6 0.0%
#7 0.0%
Matt - aka Ted, aka Neo, aka The Mang You are of the most hardcore players of the game. Lucky you gets to run the theater Rocky is played in and get to pull sick stunts off of kitchens and 20 foot ladders. Your Finisher: 6-1-9
#8 0.0%
Mullet - Lucky you gets to be me, a thing that not all that often happens. Though u may or may not have a mullet, you are more than just a person with long hair. You are a unique individual, and can be as difficult to understand as a Rubic's cube. You are the first in the cast to have learned Eddie's solo on your saxophone and have inspired others to take the same approach. You have such a want to be in wrestling that you have created your own moves (such as the Mullet's 'Split Hairs' submission) and love dressing as wrestlers. Be aware though, your alter ego can be recognized as that of a hampster, and can be too carefree to know or care what goes on, but toys are so much FUN arent they? Your Finisher: Eye of the Hurricane
#9 0.0%
#10 0.0%
Ray - Another madman of the RKO. Ray has the ability to take on many forms, such as ICP's Violant J, Mick Foley and HIS many forms, Rob Zombie, and a number of others. You too can transform yourself into cult culture icons, as you have a number of costumes and are a master of disguise. Your Finisher: Mandible Claw
#11 0.0%
Sean - You have been to Rocky Horror all over the place. It's more of a question of where HAVENT you played. Though sad to say when it's a question of who you play it's usually Eddie, but it's all good because you have the most close-to-perfect costume and are on your way to BEING the part. Your Finisher: Eddie Bomb (SEE??)
#12 0.0%

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