#1 | 39.2%
| Mothering ringwraith - Steve. You like to push other people around, but you only do it because you love them. | |
#2 | 25.3%
| Woman ringwraith - Kat. You are strong willed and won't let any man walk all over you. | |
#3 | 19.5%
| Intellectual ringwraith - Alan. You're a little bit scruffy and musty because your head's always hidden in a good novel. | |
#4 | 6.0%
| Ladies man ringwraith - Will. You certainly think a lot of yourself don't you? You're good looking and you know it. | |
#5 | 3.1%
| Gay ringwraith - Alec. Enough said. | |
#6 | 2.9%
| Stupid ringwraith - George. Your principals are a bit out of line aren't they? You never get it right. Aww diddums. | |
#7 | 1.7%
| Fashion Victim ringwraith - Dave. Your wardrobe looks like Moria, but at least you've got the best pink handbag from the Gap of Rohan. | |
#8 | 1.2%
| Lady man ringwraith - Trevor. You're a bit unsure about yourself in some ways. | |
#9 | 1.2%
| Posh ringwraith - Tarquin the Third. Jolly good old bean! | |