Survey Says: Top Which Pentagram character are you? results, Weird Survey
The top 6 Which Pentagram character are you? results of 274 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Which Pentagram character are you?.      

#1 31.0%
David McDillon [Astaroth] - The technician of the group, the ever cheerful, ever humorous, ever bright and ever funny playboy. One should really wonder what you're doing in an assassin group instead of in a pub, being the ladies' man you are. Oh, one should also mention that he's a natural flirt by birth.
#2 25.2%
Diablevic Mandaxnar [Asmodeus] - The sniper of the group, the ever cold, ever silent, ever insensitive and ever melancholic half-Russian. One should really wonder why you're taking this test. Oh, one should also mention that you get along with animals *very* well.
#3 14.6%
Shoki Kagami [Abaddon] - The natural leader of the group, the ever brave, ever cold, ever ignorant and ever suicidal (psycho) youth. One should really wonder why you're still alive at the moment, due to the fact that you hates the world and despises life. Oh, one should also mention that you use Japanese name, but you're no Japanese.
#4 12.0%
Pierre Lacroix [Apollyon] - The new kid on the block of the group, the ever solitary, ever kind, ever sweet and ever peaceful orphan. One really should wonder how you're in an assassin group instead of becoming a high-school heart-throb. Oh, one should also mention that you possess supernatural ability.
#5 10.2%
The Sixth Star - The puppet master who command the group from behind the scene, the ever mysterious, ever enigmatic, ever polite and ever charming man of Eastern descendants. One really should wonder what you have in mind as you're taking this test. Oh, one should also mention that you're the founder of the Pentagram.
#6 6.9%
Enrique Alcatarz [Astarte] - The alchemist of the group, the ever caring, ever loving, ever wise and ever calm father figure. One really should wonder how you can justify murders around you. Oh, one should also mention that you're bi-sexual (well, you're actually gay, but you can still accept the opposite sex well).

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