Survey Says: Top Which of my family are you most like? results, Personality Survey
PersonalityThe top 5 Which of my family are you most like? results of 38 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Which of my family are you most like?.      

#1 76.3%
Congrats! You're like me! You are multi-talented, and maybe a little anti-social, but that's okay! You're a good person with a kind heart.
#2 18.4%
You're like my brother Micah. You have an EXTREMELY bad temper and are scary! But you love your family a lot, even if you don't show it! You're strong!
#3 5.3%
You're like my mom, Cam. You're smart and open-minded. You tend to avoid conflict, but you're very lovable.
#4 0.0%
You're like my dad, Richard. You're close-minded, but you make friends easily and the opposite sex loves ya! You may be arrogant, but you got it goin' on!
#5 0.0%
You're like my sister, Menolly. You are a fairly bad tempered person, but sweet and compassionate and you love to read!

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