Survey Says: Top How murderous are you? results, Personality Survey
PersonalityThe top 6 How murderous are you? results of 816 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for How murderous are you?.      

#1 30.8%
Murderous-You probably wouldn't kill anybody... maybe. But you dream of it.
#2 21.9%
Murderer-You want to kill (and possibly have already killed) people.
#3 17.0%
Nice-You enjoy being nice to other people (and even animals) and wouldn't think of killing anyone... maybe.
#4 14.3%
In between-You are pretty OK, but no one would want to get on your bad side.
#5 10.4%
Angrophobe-You never get angry-in fact, you're scared of it.
#6 5.5%
Really nice-You barely ever get angry and wouldn't even hurt anyone.

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