Survey Says: Top Which member of the Mega Friends are you? results, Comics Survey
The top 25 Which member of the Mega Friends are you? results of 160 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Which member of the Mega Friends are you?.      

#1 16.9%
#2 16.3%
God Boy
#3 15.6%
Daddy Long-Legs
#4 14.4%
#5 11.9%
Spatula Guy
#6 8.1%
Johnny Flooder III
#7 3.8%
Timmy the Dodgy Cripple
#8 3.1%
Mr Phonetic
#9 2.5%
Reverend Imam-Rabbi I
#10 1.9%
Rubber Band Man
#11 1.3%
Farmer Dick
#12 1.3%
Reverend Imam-Rabbi II
#13 1.3%
The Un-Named Girl
#14 0.6%
Missy Hissy
#15 0.6%
#16 0.6%
Sparky the Wonder Chimp
#17 0.0%
Cellophane Kid
#18 0.0%
Johnny Flooder I
#19 0.0%
Lt. Potassium
#20 0.0%
Paint-Eater Pete
#21 0.0%
#22 0.0%
The Protractor
#23 0.0%
The Weevil
#24 0.0%
Topless Woman
#25 0.0%
Valley Girl

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