#1 | 24.8%
| Aragorn - You like them with sexy manly stubble and of great importance (He's King yay!). | |
#2 | 23.9%
| Legolas - Look how pretty he is! | |
#3 | 13.2%
| Figwit - For those who don't know who Figwit is (Shame on you!) visit www.figwitlives.net | |
#4 | 10.4%
| Frodo - Look at him go! What more can I say? | |
#5 | 7.4%
| Pippin - Fool of a Took! And a cute one at that! | |
#6 | 5.5%
| Éomer - Mmmmmm I would! (There are reasons for this *cough* talent *cough*). | |
#7 | 5.2%
| Faramir - As long as you haven't seen him in "Moulin Rouge" hehe....... | |
#8 | 3.5%
| Haldir - Look at his sexy blonde Elfness! | |
#9 | 3.1%
| Samwise the Brave - He likes his turnips! "I cannot carry the ring, but I can carry you!" lucky Mr Frodo (and Sam too). | |
#10 | 3.1%
| Merry - Mmmm talent heaven... | |