Survey Says: Top Middle-Earth Substance Selector: What Lord of the Rings Substance are you most like? results, Lord of the Rings Survey   The top 11 Middle-Earth Substance Selector: What Lord of the Rings Substance are you most like? results of 2805 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Middle-Earth Substance Selector: What Lord of the Rings Substance are you most like?.       #1 26.7% Mithril #2 26.6% Ent-Draught #3 10.6% Athelas #4 10.1% Cram #5 7.9% Lembas #6 5.3% Silmaril #7 4.6% Orc-Draught #8 4.5% Orthanc-Stone #9 2.0% Ithildin #10 1.4% Meteorite-Metal #11 0.4% Palantir Privacy statement. All Rights Reserved. SelectSmart® is a registered trademark.