#1 | 54.2%
| Aragorn- You like 'em tall, dark, and sexy beyond belief. Mreow. | |
#2 | 8.0%
| Celeborn- You like 'em high and mighty. One of the few Elves who seems to have a real relationship. | |
#3 | 7.2%
| Glorfindel- The hottie blond Elf lord whom Peter Jackson ignored. But you won't ignore him. | |
#4 | 7.1%
| Frodo- You like those big blue eyes. Doesn't he make you feel like a pedophile? | |
#5 | 6.6%
| Faramir- You like 'em cute and smart. Scholarly types are quite fun in bed, I've heard. | |
#6 | 4.5%
| Boromir- You like 'em dead. Hey, he was kinda cute before he died and all. | |
#7 | 3.3%
| Legolas- You like 'em blond and gorgeous. Your boyfriend is prettier than you are. | |
#8 | 2.9%
| Elrond- You like 'em dignified and stately. If you can get over his speech impediment, he's great in bed. | |
#9 | 2.8%
| Haldir- You like 'em arrogant and sexy. You're going to have fun breaking this one. | |
#10 | 0.8%
| Sam- You like 'em sweet and loyal. If only you could get him away from Frodo... | |
#11 | 0.6%
| Elladan and Elrohir- Elrond's twin hottie sons come in a set. Two for the price of one! | |
#12 | 0.5%
| Gimli- You like 'em short and ornery. He'll be indistinguishable from most of your friends. | |
#13 | 0.5%
| Gandalf- You like 'em old and wrinkly. And yet, there's something rather lovely about him... | |
#14 | 0.5%
| King Thranduil- He's Legolas' dad. He *has* to be hot. | |
#15 | 0.3%
| Pippin- You like 'em dumb and troublesome. But you gotta love that Scottish accent. | |
#16 | 0.2%
| Merry- You like 'em mischievous and playful. Cute little bugger. | |