#1 | 33.9%
| CEO of an Awesome Company | |
#2 | 24.9%
| Olympic Champion Ice Skater | |
#3 | 13.8%
| President of the United States | |
#4 | 4.8%
| Actress/Actor of the Best Movie of the Year | |
#5 | 4.2%
| Inventor of Something that Changes the World | |
#6 | 3.9%
| Artist More Famous than Picasso | |
#7 | 3.9%
| Fashion Designer or Interior Designer with Designs in all the Magazines | |
#8 | 3.9%
| Writer of the Book on the Bestsellers List | |
#9 | 3.6%
| Doctor who Finds Cure for Cancer | |
#10 | 2.1%
| Number One Singer | |
#11 | 0.6%
| Coolest Talk Show Host | |
#12 | 0.3%
| Best Chef in the World | |
#13 | 0.0%
| Star Player of your Favorite Sport | |