Survey Says: Top What are you going to do with Kurapika? (For girls only) results, Anime Survey
The top 4 What are you going to do with Kurapika? (For girls only) results of 2625 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for What are you going to do with Kurapika? (For girls only).      

#1 48.9%
You are Kurapika's friend, you stand a very firm friendship and you understand him but there are things you can't understand.
#2 3.9%
You are not his enemy nor his friend. You are Kurapika's lover. You are ready to do anything for him and comforts him when he needs to.
#3 0.5%
You have no relations with Kurapika. You might know him but you just keep ignoring him.
#4 0.4%
You are his enemy. You are quite obssesed in killing or hurting him. But be careful on what you do. You might be the one who's going to be dead!

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