#1 | 35.4%
| you will purposly kill your people, who knows why | |
#2 | 33.2%
| your such a good prez and your people love you so much that your like Hitler in 1940's germany | |
#3 | 9.5%
| everyone in your country will run away cuz your leadership skills are ass | |
#4 | 8.7%
| this time next year, your country will be nothing but a crater | |
#5 | 5.2%
| the people will live in happiness with you as ruler, cuz you lie to them all | |
#6 | 3.3%
| your country will eventually have to merge with another to survive | |
#7 | 1.4%
| your government will everntually go back to the stone age with the way you run shit | |
#8 | 1.3%
| your gonna start shit with every other country to feel special | |
#9 | 1.2%
| you dont deseve to rule, but have been elected anyways, the poeple will starve cuz of you | |
#10 | 0.7%
| your country could very well take over the rest of the world | |