Survey Says: Top How Are You Good-Looking (Guys Only)? results, Weird Survey
The top 10 How Are You Good-Looking (Guys Only)? results of 96908 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for How Are You Good-Looking (Guys Only)?.      

#1 23.5%
Outdoor Adventurer- rugged, charming, roguish
#2 18.3%
Prince Charming- sophisticated, gentle, delicious
#3 11.4%
Baby Blue-Eyes- innocent, delicate, child-like
#4 11.3%
Bad Boy- smooth, enthralling, bad-to-the-bone
#5 10.0%
Man of the Night- mysterious, independent, cold
#6 9.9%
Handsome Prankster- gorgeous, out-going, devilish
#7 5.8%
Uppity Gent- snobbish, distinguished, tasteful
#8 5.3%
Steady Companion- kind, understaning, cute
#9 3.4%
Herculian Jock- strong, tough, muscular
#10 1.1%
Don't worry, it's the inside that counts

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