Survey Says: Top The Harry Potter Match Maker (or Find your true HP love) results, Harry Potter Survey
Harry Potter
The top 19 The Harry Potter Match Maker (or Find your true HP love) results of 36371 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for The Harry Potter Match Maker (or Find your true HP love).      

#1 48.3%
Harry Potter
#2 9.9%
Neville Longbottom
#3 9.3%
Albus Dumbledore
#4 4.9%
Severus Snape
#5 3.8%
Hermione Granger
#6 3.0%
Ron Weasley
#7 2.6%
Gilderoy Lockhart
#8 2.6%
Remus Lupin
#9 2.4%
#10 2.2%
Fred/George Weasley (what's the difference anyway..?)
#11 2.2%
Draco Malfoy
#12 2.0%
Cho Chang
#13 2.0%
Sirius Black
#14 1.6%
Lucius Malfoy
#15 0.9%
Lavender Brown
#16 0.8%
Minerva McGonnagal
#17 0.8%
Fleur Delacour
#18 0.8%
Narcissa Malfoy
#19 0.1%
Percy Weasley

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