Survey Says: Top The Lord of the Rings Species Selector results, Lord of the Rings Survey
Lord of the Rings
The top 10 The Lord of the Rings Species Selector results of 8480 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for The Lord of the Rings Species Selector.      

#1 38.5%
You are a Wizard
#2 20.8%
You are an Elf
#3 13.9%
You are a Mortal Man or Woman
#4 11.9%
You are a Dwarf
#5 4.8%
You are a Hobbit
#6 3.8%
You are an Ent or an Entwife
#7 2.7%
You are an Orc
#8 2.0%
You are a Wraith
#9 0.8%
You are a Goblin
#10 0.6%
You are a Troll

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