Survey Says: Top Ancient Hindu Caste selector results, Religion Survey
The top 5 Ancient Hindu Caste selector results of 10090 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Ancient Hindu Caste selector.      

#1 31.1%
Shudras-You weren't considered holy at all. This developed a humble, helpful attitude. You were a servant or slave. The fourth highest class.
#2 29.8%
Vaishyas-You were a little bit holy. You were either an artisan or farmer. This cultivated a normal, earnest attitude. The third highest class.
#3 16.0%
Brahmins-You were considered supremely holy. This cultivated an arrogant, wise attitude. Your job was probably priest. The highest class.
#4 14.0%
Outcastes-You were considered blasphemous and awful. This cultivated a rebellious, cynical attitude. You had no career. You were so bad you were outside the system entirely.
#5 9.1%
Kshatriyas-You were quite holy. This cultivated a tough, proud attitude. Your job probably was king or, more likely, warrior. The second highest class.

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