Survey Says: Top What Freak Revolution Member are you? results, Weird Survey
The top 13 What Freak Revolution Member are you? results of 74 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for What Freak Revolution Member are you?.      

#1 51.4%
TJ: FREE HUG MAN! (Also head of the Western wing)
#2 28.4%
Sax: Not so Fearless Leader
#3 6.8%
Anthony: You like punk music, and you hate people who pretend to be punks.
#4 2.7%
Crystal: You are very depressed, and have attempted suicide...
#5 2.7%
Mindy: You date really weird guys who you end up hating, but you are a nice girl.
#6 2.7%
Vyle: Tough, psycho 2nd in command
#7 1.4%
Andrew: Strange fanatical freak 3rd in command. (Bassist in the Freak Revolution band)
#8 1.4%
Austin: Crazy Guitarist Punk Dude from the south.(Lead Guitarist in Freak Revolution band)
#9 1.4%
Shane: Violent Pro-Nuke Hippie(Also head of the Eastern Wing and Rhythem Guitarist in Freak Revolution band))
#10 1.4%
#11 0.0%
Roger: You think Seinfeld is real life. The quirkiest, funniest guy ever.
#12 0.0%
Seth: Big, Friednly, and a bit slow, you are an ex-jock, and probably the friendliest freak. (Drummer in Freak Revolution Band)
#13 0.0%
You are not a freak, you are neutral. Be happy.

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