Survey Says: Top Which ''The Fox and the Hound'' character are you? results, Disney Survey
The top 9 Which ''The Fox and the Hound'' character are you? results of 2055 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Which ''The Fox and the Hound'' character are you?.      

#1 25.0%
Todd the fox - your adventurous and don't like people to tell you what to do you learn things the hard way
#2 23.6%
Copper the hound- your pretty obedient. Your playful and sociable!
#3 19.1%
Big Momma the owl - what can i say your caring and always want things to work out good for everyone. Your very wise!(well your an owl dur.)
#4 12.7%
Boomer and his friend(cant remember his name!)- Your pretty hungry huh?You never get what you want but you never give up right on!
#5 11.9%
Squeaks- You seem to always be on the run but you find your way out of it your pretty smart dude
#6 3.2%
Amos Slade- You kinda grouchy but when things are going your way your happy.
#7 3.1%
Chief- You mean grouchy son of a gun, but that's OK.
#8 1.4%
Vixie- Everyone likes you and yur the flirty type aren't ya!
#9 0.0%
The Widow- like big momma you care and are pretty sensitive your lonely but make the most out of it

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