Survey Says: Top Do You Have Good Taste In Film? Or Are You a Film Moron? results, Movies Survey
The top 5 Do You Have Good Taste In Film? Or Are You a Film Moron? results of 2007 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Do You Have Good Taste In Film? Or Are You a Film Moron?.      

#1 83.5%
Five Stars - EXCELLENT - You are part of a rare and special group, help others who are wandering aimlessly in the land of chick flicks
#2 11.2%
Four Stars - VERY GOOD - You are an intelligent person who looks at film the right way
#3 3.4%
One Star - POOR - You are hopeless, May you always watch movies alone so that you do not spread your poisoned ideas
#4 1.4%
Three Stars - GOOD - You are getting there, but there is still a lot of room for improvement
#5 0.4%
Two Stars - AVERAGE - You fund Hollywood's Crap

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