Survey Says: Top What FF14 Race and Gender Are You? results, Final Fantasy Survey
Final Fantasy
The top 16 What FF14 Race and Gender Are You? results of 103 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for What FF14 Race and Gender Are You?.      

#1 37.9%
Male Elezen
#2 17.5%
Female Au Ra
#3 11.7%
Male Hyur Midlander
#4 7.8%
#5 6.8%
Female Miqo'te
#6 5.8%
Female Elezen
#7 3.9%
#8 2.9%
Female Lalafell
#9 2.9%
Male Lalafell
#10 1.9%
Male Miqo'te
#11 1.0%
Male Au Ra
#12 0.0%
Female Hyur Highlander
#13 0.0%
Female Hyur Midlander
#14 0.0%
Female Roegadyn
#15 0.0%
Male Hyur Highlander
#16 0.0%
Male Roegadyn

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