Survey Says: Top Which Type of Fanfiction Author are You? results, Weird Survey
The top 10 Which Type of Fanfiction Author are You? results of 3697 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Which Type of Fanfiction Author are You?.      

#1 27.8%
Action/Adventure Author
#2 23.7%
Humor author
#3 17.0%
Crossover author
#4 7.9%
Songfic/Poetry author
#5 7.0%
Self Insertion author
#6 6.0%
Romance author
#7 5.1%
Interactive story author
#8 2.4%
Slash author
#9 2.2%
Angst author
#10 1.0%
Fluff author

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