Survey Says: Top Do you have it in you to face Voldemort? results, Harry Potter Survey
Harry Potter
The top 7 Do you have it in you to face Voldemort? results of 76 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Do you have it in you to face Voldemort?.      

#1 53.9%
Just stay home and pray you'll be safe!!
#2 35.5%
If you have some help you might be able to escape him.
#3 7.9%
Don't fight him. you should be Death Eater.
#4 2.6%
First conquer your fears or you won't stand a chance!
#5 0.0%
Voldemort might leave you to Lucius Malfoy!
#6 0.0%
You couldn't even fight Longbottom.
#7 0.0%
You've got as much of a chance as a muggle with a tooth pick.

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