Survey Says: Top What era do you belong in? results, History Survey
The top 7 What era do you belong in? results of 2070 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for What era do you belong in?.      

#1 26.3%
Strap on your helmet because you were meant to live in the FUTURE!
#2 23.4%
You were made for Medieval Times! So draw your sword and go save someone!
#3 17.7%
''Wear your sunglasses at night'' cuz you were totally made for the 1980’s!
#4 11.1%
Lets all meet at the Malt shop 'cuz the 1950's is the place for you!
#5 9.5%
Hey you swingin' daddy-o, you're meant for the 1930's and 40's!
#6 9.3%
Sit tight because you are right wear you need to be, the era for you is the 21st century!
#7 2.8%
Your soul style is that of the 1960’s and 70’s, far out man!

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