Survey Says: Top R U Stupid? results, Weird Survey
The top 4 R U Stupid? results of 89 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for R U Stupid?.      

#1 47.2%
u r stupid... in fact ur so stupid ur stupidity may bring the world to nuclear war, a big stupid nuclear war, so at least u'll go down in the dictionary as stupid, not that u no wot a dictionary is, STUPID!
#2 5.6%
WEEEEEELL if it isnt little miss I'm so smart. If it isnt mr im gonna b on the front cover of I'm so god dam smart magazine! well my advice to u is to get stupid. U cant possibly get by in life without being a little stupid. I know u can do it.
#3 4.5%
u have a couple of idiotic tendencies, so u mite b able to scrape by in life, just u need to make a couple of life adjustments - stop scratching yourself with the dining room table, stop trying to type with different parts of your body for laughs and above all stop waking up each morning and smelling your socks!!!
#4 0.0%
ur not that stupid, which is not that bad of a thing, although u wont b very renowned for it... u will just loiter inbetween cranial vacancy and not so cranially vacant, and u mite b able to get away with it... GOOD LUCK!

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