Survey Says: Top What Random Object are you? results, Weird Survey
The top 13 What Random Object are you? results of 279 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for What Random Object are you?.      

#1 25.4%
A Christmas Tree! - You may be a bit prickly at first, but deep down you love family and friends, and are quite festive. Also, you like presents.
#2 22.9%
The BBC! - You probably distrust American news. You might be an Anglophile. You definitely like British accents.
#3 13.3%
A Trumpet! - You like to be the center of attention. Sadly, you are nicer when muted.
#4 11.8%
A Hibiscus! - You are beautiful! People like you. You smell nice.
#5 8.6%
A Blankie! - You are cozy and nice. You make many people happy. You might have a Peter Pan complex, though.
#6 7.9%
The Frying Pan of DOOM! - You are strong but useful- in vaquishing enemies! Mwahahaha!
#7 5.4%
A Vampire! - You are mysterious. Terribly mysterious, in fact. You may be evil, or you may just be lonely and misunderstood. You are quite sophisticated (disregarding that little blood-drinking habit).
#8 1.1%
A Starfish! - You are nifty and exotic, though not particularly friendly. You can be found in or near the ocean, being serene.
#9 1.1%
Spell Check! - A grammar nazi. 'Nuff said.
#10 1.1%
The AMITYVILLE TOASTER! - You don't really have a use, but your mystical qualities can turn the ordinary into....other ordinary things. Stay away from waffles.
#11 0.7%
An Annoying Chat Room! - You are becoming altogether too common. Please go away.
#12 0.4%
A Disco Ball! - Your sparkly personality attracts a lot of attention, but some people find you a bit much to handle. You probably like disco music.
#13 0.4%
An Ice Cream Cone! - You are quite refreshing. However, if people consume too much of you, you might make their brain hurt.

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