Survey Says: Top Dream Date Selector results, Love Survey
The top 8 Dream Date Selector results of 15721 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Dream Date Selector.      

#1 19.3%
A double date with your best bud.
#2 18.4%
A nice restaurant followed by dancing
#3 16.4%
A picnic lunch at a lake with a bouquet of roses.
#4 13.2%
Renting a video, popping popcorn, and getting cozy in the den.
#5 12.2%
Rock climbing up a cliff and enjoying the beautiful view together at the top.
#6 12.0%
Meeting at a party
#7 6.3%
In the back of the theater before skipping off to the pizza parlor.
#8 2.2%

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