Survey Says: Top Which Disney sidekick are you? results, Disney Survey
The top 12 Which Disney sidekick are you? results of 2472 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Which Disney sidekick are you?.      

#1 19.9%
Mushu - you are so funny and cool - everyone gotta luvya!!!
#2 11.8%
Terk - you are a groovy gorilla with a cool style
#3 11.7%
Pain and Panic - you are evil, but you are still hilarious and loveable!!!
#4 10.2%
Djali - you are a feisty little thing aren't you? But in the end, that guy you didn't like saved he day didn't he?
#5 8.3%
LeFou - you are a bit too obsessed with your friend, but hey, you can sure sing a good song
#6 8.0%
Sebastian - you are a groovy reggae crustacean - whats not to love?
#7 7.9%
Flounder - aw, you are sweet but a bit of a coward at times
#8 7.9%
Pegasus - aw, aren't you adorable. Though you do need to trust people more, they might end up saving your friend!!!
#9 7.2%
Flit - man, do you have lots of energy - and your a feisty little thing aren't ya?
#10 4.9%
Rajaah - you are gorgeous and loveable, full stop
#11 1.3%
Meeko - you are lovely, if not a bit greedy though
#12 0.8%
Flotsam and Jetsam - you are evil and have a sinister voice - but you rock anyway!!!

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