Survey Says: Top are you a worthy ring bearer results, Lord of the Rings Survey
Lord of the Rings
The top 10 are you a worthy ring bearer results of 130 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for are you a worthy ring bearer.      

#1 43.1%
Oh no the ring has taken hold of you
#2 25.4%
you are loy to gandalf makes you a good ring bearer
#3 20.0%
You are a worthy ring bearer
#4 5.4%
i dont think the ring will work for good
#5 3.1%
um you are loyal to goulom oh no
#6 1.5%
you are loyal to sam that makes you a good ring bearer
#7 0.8%
you are loyal to bormier you will die just like him thren
#8 0.8%
you lisen well to aragon keep it up and you will be a good ringbearer
#9 0.0%
evil is your way
#10 0.0%
you are not a worthy ring bearer you will brtray us

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