Survey Says: Top Digidestined/Crest Selector (Rift version. Updated) results, Anime Survey
The top 14 Digidestined/Crest Selector (Rift version. Updated) results of 5908 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Digidestined/Crest Selector (Rift version. Updated).      

#1 22.4%
Honour: Takaishi Cyan
#2 22.3%
Light: Yagami Hikari
#3 14.0%
Love: Takenouchi Sora
#4 8.3%
Kindness: Ichijouji Ken
#5 7.0%
Faith: Kido Jyou
#6 5.0%
Loyalty: Anthadd
#7 3.5%
Courage: Yagami Taichi
#8 3.3%
Friendship: Ishida Yamato
#9 3.2%
Love/Purity: Inoue Miyako
#10 2.6%
Knowledge: Izumi Koushirou
#11 2.5%
Hope: Takaishi Takeru
#12 2.4%
Knowledge/Faith: Hida Iori
#13 1.9%
Purity: Tachikawa Mimi
#14 1.7%
Courage/Friendship: Motomiya Daisuke

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