Survey Says: Top Coolness Selector results, Entertainment Survey
The top 5 Coolness Selector results of 6627 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Coolness Selector.      

#1 48.1%
You are a veritable mount McKinley of coolness. With hard work, dedication, and another shot or two of Jack Daniel's you too may reach my Everest of coolness. Keep up the good work!
#2 23.7%
You are my soulmate and a kindred spirit. If you are female, you can date me. E-mail me at
#3 12.3%
You're ok. Hopefully you're still young and have time to reach plateaus of coolness only dreamed of amongst your contemporaries. Look on the bright side: I don't want to kill you yet.
#4 12.1%
I hate you. You are probably Justin Timberlake or Eminem, two of the only people in the world that actually deserve killing. You have about ten seconds until the god of coolness strikes you down himself.
#5 3.8%
Man are you bad. You suck. You're the grinch on christmas morning, and the greenpeace member on-board the japanese whaling vessel. I do want to shoot you, but I'm not yet going to actively hunt you down. Better start running now.

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