Survey Says: Top clothing, what you should look best in results, Fashion Survey
The top 10 clothing, what you should look best in results of 305 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for clothing, what you should look best in.      

#1 26.2%
your the type who loves dresses and cannot even be close to comfortable in pants.
#2 24.9%
why do you bother waering pants or shorts, you love dresses.
#3 15.7%
You cannot live without pants.
#4 13.4%
Around your house and out in the sun you wear dresses, but anywhere else you would die with a dress on.
#5 10.8%
Your the type of person who doesn't care what their wearing, you probably wouldn't careif you were wearing nothing.
#6 8.9%
your the type who loves pants and cannot even be close to comfortable in a dress.
#7 0.0%
For dates, you would wear dresses to make yourself look good, but otherwise, you absolutely hate dresses.
#8 0.0%
If you were caught jumping in the air with a dress on by a boy, you would blush.
#9 0.0%
You cannot live without dresses.
#10 0.0%
why do you bother wearing a dress, you love pants.

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