Survey Says: Top Career Selector results, Career Survey
The top 10 Career Selector results of 2898 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Career Selector.      

#1 23.2%
CEO, principal, business owner, film director, coach, hospital administrator
#2 23.0%
Minister, rabbi, priest, missionary
#3 19.6%
Artist, architect, carpenter, mechanic, fashion designer, tailor
#4 10.3%
Secretary, clerk, receptionist, librarian
#5 7.4%
Computer analyst, programmer, designer
#6 5.7%
Military officer, police officer, bouncer, athlete, probation officer
#7 4.2%
Medical doctor, veterinarian, nurse, dentist
#8 3.3%
Lawyer, paralegal, attorney
#9 2.8%
Teacher, counselor, therapist, judge, social worker
#10 0.6%
Politician, actor, motivational speaker, salesperson, singer

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