Survey Says: Top Conservative Breeds results, Politics Survey
The top 5 Conservative Breeds results of 427 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Conservative Breeds.      

#1 31.9%
Friedonist Conservative - Emphasis on free markets, monetarism, and economic growth; Reagan, Thatcher, Pinochet.
#2 25.1%
Neoconservative - Modern innovations including welfare reform and military idealism form this philosophy; Bush-43, Pearle, Wolfowitz.
#3 18.0%
Realpolitiker - More concerned with strategical pragmatism than high ideals; Machiavelli, Nixon, Kissinger.
#4 12.9%
Anarchoconservative - Emphasis on natural selection, commerce and industrialism; Spencer
#5 12.2%
Traditionalist - Conservative in the literal sense, even if this means politically progressive; Buchanan.

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