Survey Says: Top What kind of a book hero you are most like? results, Books Survey
The top 14 What kind of a book hero you are most like? results of 3472 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for What kind of a book hero you are most like?.      

#1 33.8%
Powerful Hero
#2 21.9%
Trustworthy Friend
#3 8.1%
In Lethal Distress and Needing to be Saved
#4 7.2%
Mysterious Figure
#5 5.6%
Mad, Maniac or/and Rebel type
#6 4.5%
Boring Wet Blanket (who spoils everything)
#7 4.2%
Village Idiot (who becomes Someone Important)
#8 3.7%
Lovely Trickster
#9 3.1%
Graceful Majesty or/and Ruler
#10 3.0%
Motherly and Caring (Nurse type)
#11 2.4%
#12 1.3%
Villain who Turns into Good
#13 0.9%
Old, Experienced and Wise
#14 0.5%
Casanova/ Femme Fatale

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