Survey Says: Top Which BlueLeopard are you? results, Personality Survey
PersonalityThe top 20 Which BlueLeopard are you? results of 70 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Which BlueLeopard are you?.      

#1 32.9%
Fragment of a Blue Leopard - you are the product of a wild imagination, or so it seems. You appear to have escaped from my mind and grown into your own person. Get back in my brain, damnit.
#2 20.0%
Outgoing Blue Leopard - you're no introvert. You like to play tag with people you don't know. You like to get to know new people.
#3 18.6%
Complete 100% Blue Leopard - 'Nuff said.
#4 8.6%
Poetic Blue Leopard - words are all you are. They hold you together when the world is falling apart. But words sometimes work against you.
#5 5.7%
Stupid Blue Leopard - you think you're stupid, or people think you're stupid, or perhaps both.
#6 4.3%
Bitchy Blue Leopard - you're a bitch, plain and simple. You're proud of it and everyone knows it.
#7 2.9%
Demanding Blue Leopard - you want everything your way. Right now. I said now, damnit!
#8 2.9%
Spastic Blue Leopard - you do random things at random times and are completely unpredictable. Sometimes it's scary, sometimes entertaining, but you always keep people on their toes.
#9 1.4%
Fake Blue Leopard - you're not really who you say you are, and it's blatantly obvious.
#10 1.4%
Homesick Blue Leopard - you want to go home. You want to go home right now.
#11 1.4%
Lovesick Blue Leopard - when you fall in love you fall hard, and you don't know how to escape your feelings.
#12 0.0%
Anti Blue Leopard - you're not me. Not even close.
#13 0.0%
Bookworm Blue Leopard - you like to read, you like to read a lot. Your head is always in some book or another. But you're happier that way. Everything can be found in books.
#14 0.0%
Boring Blue Leopard - yawn.
#15 0.0%
Confusing Blue Leopard- nobody understand you. Sometimes you don't even understand you.
#16 0.0%
Dorky Blue Leopard - you like computers and you don't mind being called a dork. You are intelligent, too. Really.
#17 0.0%
Lost Blue Leopard - you have no idea.
#18 0.0%
Spacy Blue Leopard - you tend to wander off and forget what you were doing. Your head is always in the clouds and you aren't quite sure you have feet.
#19 0.0%
Tomboyish Blue Leopard - you're one of the guys, and you're damn proud of it.
#20 0.0%
Unique Blue Leopard - there's nobody quite like you.

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