Survey Says: Top Which leader in the Battletech universe are you?? results, Science Fiction Survey
Science Fiction
The top 10 Which leader in the Battletech universe are you?? results of 914 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Which leader in the Battletech universe are you??.      

#1 31.2%
Khan Marthe Pryde of Clan Jade Falcon
#2 29.0%
Coordinator Theodore Kurita of the Draconis Combine
#3 13.7%
Jaime Wolf of Wolf's Dragoons
#4 8.8%
Thomas Marik of the Free Worlds League
#5 6.3%
Phelan Kell of Clan Wolf-in-Exile
#6 6.3%
Prince Victor Steiner-Davion of the Federated Commonwealth
#7 2.2%
Khan Vladimir Ward of Clan Wolf
#8 1.4%
Sun-Tzu Liao of the Capellan Confederation
#9 1.0%
Katherine Steiner-Davion of the Federated Commonwealth
#10 0.1%
Star Captain Trent of Clan Smoke Jaguar

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