Survey Says: Top Jane Austen Character Selector results, Books Survey
The top 25 Jane Austen Character Selector results of 27125 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Jane Austen Character Selector.      

#1 22.1%
Catherine from _Northanger Abbey_
#2 16.8%
Fanny from _Mansfield Park_
#3 11.9%
Mariane Dashwood from _Sense & Sensibility_
#4 11.9%
Mr. Bingley / Jane Bennet from _Pride & Prejudice_
#5 10.1%
Anne Elliot from _Persuasion_
#6 8.4%
Mr. Darcy from _Pride & Prejudice_
#7 7.1%
Elinor Dashwood from _Sense & Sensibility_
#8 6.0%
Eliza Bennet from _Pride & Prejudice_
#9 1.1%
Mr Knightley from _Emma_
#10 0.9%
Miss Bates from _Emma_
#11 0.7%
Emma Woodhouse from _Emma_
#12 0.6%
Lucy Steele from _Sense & Sensibility_
#13 0.5%
Jane Fairfax from _Emma_
#14 0.4%
Captain Wentworth from _Persuasion
#15 0.4%
Lady Catherine de Bourgh from _Pride & Prejudice_
#16 0.3%
Lousia Musgrove from _Persuasion
#17 0.3%
Harriet Smith from _Emma_
#18 0.1%
Frank Churchill from _Emma_
#19 0.1%
Willoughby from _Sense & Sensibility_
#20 0.1%
Henry Crawford / Mary Crawford from _Mansfield Park_
#21 0.1%
Mr. Collins from _Pride & Prejudice_
#22 0.1%
Col. Brandon from _Sense & Sensibility_
#23 0.1%
Wickham from _Pride & Prejudice_
#24 0.0%
Sir Walter Elliot from _Persuasion
#25 0.0%
Lydia Bennet from _Pride & Prejudice_

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