Survey Says: Top Which Laguna Loire Are YOU? results, Video Games Survey
Video Games
The top 10 Which Laguna Loire Are YOU? results of 107 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Which Laguna Loire Are YOU?.      

#1 21.5%
You are the Fun Loving Laguna!
#2 4.7%
#3 3.7%
You are the Insane and Funny Laguna!
#4 0.0%
You are the Adventurer Laguna!
#5 0.0%
You are the Arrogant Laguna!
#6 0.0%
You are the Blood Thristy Killing Laguna!
#7 0.0%
You are the Clumsy as Hell Laguna!
#8 0.0%
You are the Family Oriented Laguna!
#9 0.0%
You are the Sexy as Hell Laguna!
#10 0.0%
You are the Shy yet Sweet Laguna!

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