Survey Says: Top Which character are you from my book-in-progress? results, Personality Survey
The top 6 Which character are you from my book-in-progress? results of 92 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Which character are you from my book-in-progress?.      

#1 46.7%
Lyla Norwood "I found him by the river, you know, the one with the rainbow rocks and the tall tree with really long branches?"
#2 43.5%
Jinny Danda "Where's Berry Street?"
#3 7.6%
Flame "Skreek!"
#4 2.2%
Ashkay "Wait! We can't take a great lumping DRAGON through the whole town! It's dangerous, and people will stare!"
#5 0.0%
Manni Noll "Get away from there!"
#6 0.0%
Willum Norwood "Hello" (that's basically the only thing he's said so far)

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