Survey Says: Top Which Weezer band member are you? results, Musical Groups Survey
Musical Groups
The top 4 Which Weezer band member are you? results of 1072 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Which Weezer band member are you?.      

#1 50.4%
You are Pat! You like drums and laying on skateboards while riding down ramps. You also are the comic relief to the rest of your bandmates most of the time!
#2 30.7%
You are Scott! You recently started a new project and felt a little unexcepted at first. Your receeding hairline makes you just a bit scary. But overall cool!
#3 10.6%
Your are Rivers! You express your feelings better through song and you don't give a shit what anyone thinks anymore. Good for you!
#4 7.9%
You are Brian! You are an excellent lyricist but may get shadowed by someone else that has the spotlight. But your still loved!

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