Survey Says: Top What do YOU want to do? results, Entertainment Survey
EntertainmentThe top 14 What do YOU want to do? results of 338 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for What do YOU want to do?.      

#1 7.1%
Sit a spell, enjoy the wit and wisdom of one Homer Simpson and family for a few hours
#2 6.5%
You would enjoy laughing out loud at the hijinx of a mime or troupe of mimes...or even becoming a mime yourself.
#3 4.4%
Quoth the raven, "One point twenty one jiggawatts!" Go ahead...join your friends in some movie quoting extravaganzas!
#4 1.8%
"Retro" fun is right up your alley. Try a bit of Ms Pac-Man or Super Ms Pac-Man and live like the Atari generation should.
#5 1.8%
You my friend are ready to put on the sweat band and hit the disc for some ultimate frisbee.
#6 1.5%
Foosball. The game of champions. Dating back to ancient Babylonia, this table sport lends itself perfectly to your dispostion and desires.
#7 1.2%
Stretch out those thumbs and blast someones brains out in Perfect Dark, the perfect world of guns and mazes.
#8 0.9%
Perhaps dressing up like a clown and making balloon animals, hitting yourself with pies, and other mindless antics are what you want.
#9 0.9%
Sit in a corner and watch the paint dry. I don't care if the wall hasn't been painted in 10 years. WATCH IT!
#10 0.9%
You are an adventurer. Hike the Andes! Raft the Mississippi! Buy an XFL franchise! Nothing is adreneline pumping enough to satisfy your lust for life!
#11 0.6%
It looks like a ride on a rented pony or two would set your heart a-flutter.
#12 0.3%
I have three words for you. Riverdance, Riverdance, Riverdance
#13 0.3%
Run away from one likes you.
#14 0.3%
You might enjoy getting into lenghty discussions about completely meaningless topics, most of which you know nothing about but still pretend you do. Maybe you want to get a job on public radio or something.

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