Survey Says: Top Which Vampire wave are you? results, Weird Survey
WeirdThe top 3 Which Vampire wave are you? results of 41 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Which Vampire wave are you?.      

#1 58.5%
First Wave: The oldest and the most powerful of all vampires. These vampires had little to no contact with the human world and preferred to live either isolated and alone, or with other vampires (Mostly other 1st waves, maybe some 2nd waves, never 3rd waves).
#2 24.4%
The third wave: Least powerful of the vampires; but on the upside, their connection with the human world has it's interesting aspects. They tend to hold onto their humanity and still strive to live in both worlds. This has created some interesting scenarios, but luckily they've still managed to remain secretive and respectful of the traditional vampire way of life.
#3 7.3%
The second wave;The middle way. While not so powerful as the first wave, and not quite as held to the human way of life as the 3rd wave, these vampires were kinda in the middle. However, most 2nd waves were created/lived at a very hectic time. Humans and vampires were at odds with one another, mainly due to religious superstitions (Humans thought they were all evil demons possessing their poor fellow men and driving them to madness). Vampires decided to hate humans, and to fight back and liberate the world for vampires. They thought that the only good human was a dead one, or at least broken to the rank of a slave. Of course, not all vampires believe this way, and it didn't make them evil. Most were just defending themselves.

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