Survey Says: Top Democratic Vice President Selector results, Politics Survey
The top 25 Democratic Vice President Selector results of 249 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Democratic Vice President Selector .      

#1 27.3%
We have a winner! Joseph Lieberman, Senator of Connecticut The Senate's only Orthodox Jew. Lieberman has a reputation for independence and morality. His website states,
#2 16.1%
Bill Bradley, former Senator Attempted to wrestle away the nomination from Gore. A former New Jersey Senator. After graduating in 1965 with a degree in history, Bradley turned down a contract with the Knicks to study politics, philosophy, and economics at Oxford University. Eventually played for the the NBA champion Knicks. -- He has, however dismissed the possiblity of the second spot.
#3 11.2%
Bill Richardson, Energy Secretary Richardson served as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations in 1997-1998 following seven terms as a U.S. Congressman from New Mexico. He has been nominated three times for the Nobel Peace Prize. As a diplomatic
#4 10.0%
Bob Graham, of Florida Senator
#5 8.8%
Dianne Feinstein, Senator from California. The first woman to serve as President of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors; San Francisco's first woman Mayor, (In 1987, City and State Magazine named her the nation's
#6 5.2%
Andrew Cuomo, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development The Washington Post reports
#7 4.4%
John Conyers Jr., US Representative from Michigan
#8 4.0%
Bob Kerrey, Senator from Nebraska. His site informs that he was a Navy SEAL and he saw combat in Vietnam. He earned the Congressional Medal of Honor, America's highest military honor. Kerrey built a chain of restaurants and health clubs that now employ more than 900 people. Elected Nebraska's Governor in 1982. He has impressed political observers with his independence and candor.
#9 3.6%
Mary Landrieu, Senator from Louisiana Her website states, Mary L. Landrieu became the first woman from Louisiana ever elected to the United States Senate. With her 1999 appointment to the Armed Services Committee, Landrieu also became the first Democratic woman, to serve. In 1979, 23-year-old Landrieu was elected to the Louisiana House of Representatives. After two terms in the House, she served eight years as state treasurer. Landrieu is a moderate Democrat who believes our nation can and should do a better job of balancing our budget and educating our children for the global challenges ahead.
#10 2.8%
Robert Rubin, former Treasury Secretary Along with Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan, widely credited by Wall Street and business leaders with the policies that set the U.S. economy on its longest peacetime expansion in history. During his tenure, unemployment hit the lowest levels in 30 years, the country achieved a budget surplus and the stock market set record after record. Although Rubin fought with Republican leaders in Congress during a 1997 budget fight that shut down the federal government, many Republicans also praised him as the administration's voice for spending restraint.
#11 2.0%
James B. Hunt Jr., North Carolina Governor A son of school teacher Jim Hunt, 62, as Governor made education the focus of his administration. Honors include the James B. Conant Award, and the 1999 Education Press Award, honoring him as the public leader in America contributing most significantly to public educational progress. For his innovative attempts to bring about effective education reform, he was awarded the Harold W. McGraw Jr. Prize in Education award.
#12 2.0%
Jeanne Shaheen, Governor of New Hampshire Campaign literature says,
#13 1.6%
William Cohen, Secretary of Defense. Background from The Washington Post.
#14 0.4%
Evan Bayh, Senator from Indiana Elected in 1988, at age 32, Evan Bayh was the country's youngest governor. During his two terms as governor, Evan Bayh established Indiana as one of the strongest, most financially secure economies in the United States. 1998, he won the US Senate seat formerly held by his father, Birch Bayh, with 63 percent of the vote.
#15 0.4%
Thomas R. Carper, Governor of Delaware As Delaware treasurer, he established a cash management system and improved the state's credit rating from the worst in the nation to a respectable
#16 0.0%
Carl Levin, Senator From Michigan In addition to helping Gore in Michigan, Levin could attract Jewish voters in New York and elsewhere.
#17 0.0%
Dick Gephardt, US Representative from Missouri A lawyer, he was first elected to the House of Representatives as a Democrat from Missouri in 1976. He has been influential in trade issues, championing restrictions on imports as a means of protecting American jobs. Gephardt became House majority leader in 1989, and minority leader in 1995.
#18 0.0%
George Mitchell, former Senator and Envoy to Northern Ireland President Clinton named Mitchell, a Catholic, in 1996 to be his unpaid representative in Northern Ireland. (Nominated for the 1998 Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts). During Mitchell's fifteen-year career as a U.S. Senator (1980-1995), it was said of him:
#19 0.0%
Gray Davis California Governor His site proclaims that he was
#20 0.0%
Jesse Jackson
#21 0.0%
John Kerry, Senator from Massachusetts Graduated Yale University in 1966 (where he delivered the valedictory address), enlisted in the U.S. Navy, earning numerous medals and decorations, including the Silver Star for risking his saving the life of a crew member who fell overboard in an ambush. Upon his return to America in 1970, he becomes an outspoken critic of the war, testifying before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. During his protests against the war, Kerry discarded his medals on the Capitol's steps.
#22 0.0%
John Kitzhaber, Governor of Oregon Prior to being Governor,
#23 0.0%
Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, Lieutenant Governor of Maryland. Her website states,
#24 0.0%
Patty Murray, Senator from Washington A working mother, educator, local school board president and state legislator - was first elected in 1992. Serves on the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee. Her legislation to hire 100,000 new teachers was passed in 1998 as part of the bipartisan budget agreement. She has also written and passed legislation to put computers in classrooms, improve technology training for teachers and protect our children from Internet pornography
#25 0.0%
Richard Durbin, Senator from Illinois Durbin filled the seat left vacant by the retirement of his longtime friend and mentor, U.S. Senator Paul Simon. …(Durbin) supports targeted tax incentives for business development, including the extension of the research and development tax credit. A longtime supporter of the reduced tax rate for ethanol-based fuels, Durbin has worked to help businesses and farmers create new agricultural products and identify new markets.

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