Survey Says: Top which of my budz r u like? results, Weird Survey
The top 7 which of my budz r u like? results of 24 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for which of my budz r u like?.      

#1 83.3%
Hannah-Stubborn, mature, and technology freak!She luvs FF and Anime.SUPER OTAKU!!!!SUPER TECHIE!!! she loves html, and hates sluts!!!!She likes alot of different types of music, and can write freakishly long stories.She looses her temper easily, and hates talking to people.And since her liffe isn't near perfect she can stay realistic and looks at every side of things. And she has to leader or she goes insane wondering what might happen because she doesn't trust anyone else to be the She's a real indivitualist.Oh, and, the human race is on the road 2 hell.
#2 16.7%
Tina-Little genius, she can live with whatever she gets. She just wants her friends to be happy, but she's not a little weakling like people think.Tina likes the arts and lucky for me she is not always flirting like my other friends.She's glad to help people understand math or whatever the problem.But, she needs to stand up 4 herself a liitle more..she can keep a secret for a very long time, and she is very very trustworthy. But she ain't that athletic.
#3 0.0%
Ashley-Freak of nature, moron, mutated chikin, who mainly hangs aound Kirsten and sometimes Beccah.She hates change, and hates school.She can liven up any conversation by being stupid.[what a talent] She is a bit to obssed w/ the colour pink
#4 0.0%
Beccah-She's not very smart... Despite what people say about her she just wants good friends. She is trying to be like her closest freind, Hannah.But she likes short stories, and can't stay realistic.She has fantasy and thinks good will always win without being hurt.She may claim to be an indivitualist, but deep down she hates being a social outcast.If she could understand gothic chix R not going to be the most popular girls in school It would do her a world of good.But it would be better if she would stop whining.
#5 0.0%
Brittany- Ur average popular whore...Sorry Holly, that's what I think.Her and Holly R good buds and it really shows.. The big difference between them is Holly is Hannah's Bud so Holly knows there more 2 life than popularity but Brittany can't get her mind off that hot guy @ the skating rink 2 years ago that looked @ her... Or Brad Pitt, oh, my bad Ben Afleck-And Has a bit of an ego problem... But, she is really populer, and..... uh...... I'm not possitive but i'm pretty damn sure she stuffs her bra.... She's not even a teenager-who really gives a damn.Oh, and she has a huge zit on her nose, she claims its a bump from falling on the oh-so hard ground.
#6 0.0%
Holly-Popular, ditzy, and freakishly obsessed w/ boys{but i aprove of all of them^_^}. She's a little immature, but she is still trustworthy [atleast to her friends]Especially her close friends Hannah And Brittany.And You don't want to get her or Hannah Mad they'll team up on you on show U the meaning of pain. She dreams of being a model, that explains alot... She luvs the phone, TV and her buds.She's more of a follower but she tries to take charge once in a while.She may think she knows about technology, but she doesn't know very much.She is learning about Anime and FF. Maybe she will a have life other than popularity after all.......oh, and she's obsessed w/ trying 2 become otaku...
#7 0.0%
Kirsten-She looses her temper over the tiniest accident. She is self-centered and thinks very highly of herself...She can keep a secret for a long time and means well, but she has some issues to work out.. She also has an extremely big love for popular guys.And she an't help but tell stupid lies about the impossible.Damn, she thinx everything should be perfect 4 her and only her, make her shut the HELL UP!!! It looks like going to a private school really got 2 her head.

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