Survey Says: Top Drunkville character selector results, Comics Survey
The top 10 Drunkville character selector results of 30 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Drunkville character selector.      

#1 66.7%
Zell: Dumb chicken who annoys everyone and rapes sheep
#2 13.3%
Cid: Old Pervert who likes kids
#3 13.3%
Cloud: Sleeping Cupcake man
#4 3.3%
Ansku: Annoying Transvestite
#5 3.3%
Obi-Wan: Rapist From the Mist
#6 0.0%
Gabriel: Wimp who loves his Materia Lasse
#7 0.0%
Irbnine: Hat crazy Pimp
#8 0.0%
Rirri: Defender of the Justice who shoots you if youi break the law
#9 0.0%
Seifer: Original Prankster who pees on everybody
#10 0.0%
Squall: The Great Leather Freak who beats up Zell

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